Water Sampling | The EPOCH Water Module stores monitoring results for an unlimited number of sources and parameters. The standard reports will determine excursions, track trends and satisfy many government reporting requirements. Use the ad-hoc report writer to instantly analyze data graphically or statistically.
- Prints the Federally required Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). You can customize this report to satisfy particular formatting requirements of many State or Federal regulatory agencies.
- Stores "less than" values and the correct number of significant digits.
- Compare each source to multiple permit limits.
- Summarizes excursions by parameter or by source for one or more months/years.
- Prints histograms, bar charts and connected point plots for flow, pollutant concentration or pounds per day.
- Compare monitoring results to internal or non-regulatory limits.
- Store monitoring results for parameters that are not listed on the permit.
- Prints monthly maximums, averages and minimums for each parameter.
- Assists in the extensive preparation required for permit renewal by offering statistical reports.
- Exports data to commercial spreadsheet programs for further statistical analysis.
- Analyzes trends to isolate the cause of permit excursions.
- Monitors against an unlimited number of parameters for each source. Stores detailed source limits for each source and parameter.
- Saves time by analyzing historical data for trends.
- Instantly respond to requests from regulatory agencies.
- Improves the speed and accuracy of your DMR Reports.
- Helps to avoid problems associated with key reporting deadlines being missed. Create a five-year environmental calendar.
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