Tank Inventory and Inspection | This module is designed to provide an inventory of all above and below ground tanks for each facility, including historical information on each tank (all ancillary equipment, test results, tank age, tank status, etc.). This module can be used as part of a company’s corporate risk management program by identifying which tanks need to be inspected or removed according to regulatory or corporate schedules.
- Creates a complete inventory of all above ground and below ground tanks.
- Stores tank physical characteristics including: capacity, diameter, length, throughput, and fill openings.
- Allows for users to identify the tank owner, if different than property owner.
- Users can enter the type of overfill protection, spill containment, and tank / pipe leak detection equipment available.
- Supports unlimited text entry for each tank. Document history, problems and inspection comments.
- Supports three different status indicators for each tank.
1) Active: All tanks that are currently installed and in service.
2) Permanently Out Of Service: Tanks that have been removed or eliminated.
3) Temporarily Out Of Service: Tanks that are not being used, but have not been physically removed.
- Identify each material by chemical name, CAS number, or purchasing code.
- Increase compliance assurance with e-mail alerts on upcoming tank deadlines.
- Saves money by maintaining one central database of all tank related information.
- Avoid the loss of key data by keeping a historical archive of tank data.
- Increases awareness by tracking all tanks that store a chemical on a certain regulatory list.
- Supports emergency planning requirements by generating a list of chemicals stored in each tank.
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